We don't directly bill insurance companies. However, you may be able to get reimbursed from your health insurance company, possibly up to 100% of what they typically cover. To find out if you can get reimbursed, please get in touch with your insurance company. You can also send them an itemized receipt showing what services were provided and what you paid for them.
To request and itemized receipt submit a form from our website or patient account portal. There is a form specifically called "Documents and Forms" and you can select "itemized statement" as the document you would like to receive. You may click here to be taken to the form directly! Please also include each date of service that you need included on the statement.
If you have an HSA or FSA account for your health insurance, our services are qualified expenses, so you can use that money to pay for them.
If you are a member of a Medicaid or Medicare plan please see our FAQ on Medicaid and Medicare coverage.
We do not accept Care Credit health and wellness cards.
Helpful Tip: Occasionally our card reader may not recognize the HSA/FSA card and payment may be declined. There is no need to be alarmed! Please contact one of our patient advocate support specialist by Live Chat on our website and they will be more than happy to assist you with the payment process.
Navigating Insurance Reimbursement
Business Hours
9:00am-5:00pm EST