An accommodation is defined as a change to the environment with the purpose of removing a barrier. Those diagnosed with a disability may need adjustments to their learning environment or place of employment in order to complete their tasks successfully. Our providers may assist in the completion of forms and letters to aid in the approval of reasonable accommodations for those diagnosed with ADHD through our platform.
Common accommodations and documentation that patients request include:
- School Accommodations (examples include extra testing time, quiet room, extra paper, recorded lectures, notes, noise reduction headphones, etc.)
- Workplace Accommodations (examples include remote work, extra training, additional breaks, quiet environment, change in working hours, etc.)
- Diagnosis Verification
- Prescription Verification
- Travel Letters
- ESA (Emotional Support Animal) Letters
- DOT (Department of Transportation) Letters
- Transfer of Care/Discharge Letters
- Schedule A Letters
- Disability Paperwork
- Other (Please inquire)
We encourage all patients to meet with their school counselor or employer's human resources first to understand what they will accept or require in documentation. Some accommodation forms may require very specific diagnostic testing requirements be met before they grant accommodations. Mentavi Health's comprehensive and proprietary assessment contains embedded DSM-5 criteria guidelines and validated tools such as the GAD-7, PHQ-9, and the ASRS-2. Our online assessment provides more than enough information for our psychologists to come to a formal diagnosis without the need for a face-to-face evaluation.
All requests for accommodations are completed on a case-by-case basis by our diagnosing and treating providers when clinically appropriate. Documentation completion may take up to a 14 business day turnaround from the time the request has been submitted. Forms and letters are an additional $25 fee if the documentation requires that completion is done by the diagnosing psychologist or if the patient chooses to not pursue treatment with Mentavi Health.
I am a parent, can my child obtain a 504 plan or an IEP for school?
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans are available to support students with disabilities by providing tools and resources needed to help them improve overall academic performance. An IEP plan is designed for students that may require more specialized instruction and is typically established between school staff, students and the parent. This plan can be updated yearly and is typically a 10-12 page document that outlines a learning plan and transitional services to follow the student after high school.
Comparatively, 504 plans do not typically need specialized instruction. Accommodations are granted to help improve overall quality of life and learning. These accommodations do not need to be updated yearly.
If your child is diagnosed through Mentavi Health, and you are interested in an IEP for your child, our assessment can be used as documentation to support your case. It is important to know that our providers cannot create the IEP. However, your child may qualify for accommodations and our providers can potentially assist with form and letter completion. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 states "no qualified individual with a disability in the United States shall be excluded from, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination."