We don't directly bill insurance companies, however, you may be able to get some of the service cost reimbursed from your health insurance company! To find out if you can get reimbursed, please get in touch with your insurance company. We can provide an itemized statement, also known as an itemized receipt or "superbill," showing what services were provided, what you paid for them, and the billing codes associated.
Where is the itemized statement for my assessment?
The itemized statement for insurance reimbursement is going to be located within your completed report. You may also click here to be directly taken to the patient portal login.
How do I obtain an itemized statement for my medical treatment or tele-therapy appointment?
To request an itemized statement for a completed appointment, please submit a form through our website or your patient portal. There is a form specifically called "Documents and Forms" and you can select "itemized statement" as the document you would like to receive. You may click here to be taken to the form directly! Please also include each date of service that you need on the form.
Helpful Tip: The payment receipt that you receive after purchasing a service is not the itemized statement and will not have all of the codes that you need to file a claim. Please ensure to receive an itemized statement before submitting your reimbursement claim or your claim may be rejected.
ADHD Online does not currently offer itemized statements for completed mental wellness coaching appointments.