Yes! ADHD Online is a legitimate and credible assessment platform. Our Mentavi Health Smart Assessment has been carefully developed by qualified psychologists and physicians for the purpose of formally diagnosing not only ADHD, but anxiety and depression as well. The formal assessment contains embedded DSM-5 criteria guidelines as well as validated tools such as the GAD-7 and PHQ-9, which are routinely used in clinical settings. The smart assessment is also routinely updated to include new screeners such as the Bergans scale for social media addiction, ASRS-2, binge eating disorder, loneliness, and more!
Our program has received positive recognition from reputable professionals, including doctors, psychiatrists, and schools across the country. With licensed, doctorate-level ADHD experts on board, you can trust that our assessments and support are genuine and tailored to your specific needs. We are here to offer you a legitimate and empathetic approach to managing ADHD.